Ingilis dili öyrənərkən əsas ehtiyacımız olan bəzi şeylərdən biri də reading'dir. ingilis dilinde metnler ilə taniş ola bilərsiniz. Oxumaq bizim həm tələffüzümüzü, həm də söz ehtiyatımızı artırır. Bu mətnin sizə faydalı olacağına inanırıq.
Bugun ise Blog yazımızda ingilis dili metnler paylaşacağıq. Mətnlər Beginner(A1), Elemantary(A2), Pre-intermediate(B1) və Intermediate(B2) səviyyəsi üzrə paylaşılacaq.
First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It rains. I do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple. I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read books. I walk home. I do not like walking home. My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I do not like to go to bed.
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Every year we go to Florida. We like to go to the beach. My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach. It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees. It is very beautiful. I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by. Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water! Every morning we look for shells in the sand. I found fifteen big shells last year. I put them in a special place in my room. This year I want to learn to surf. It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer. She says that she can teach me. I hope I can do it!
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Smith have one son and one daughter. The son's name is John. The daughter's name is Sarah. The Smiths live in a house. They have a living room. They watch TV in the living room. The father cooks food in the kitchen. They eat in the dining room. The house has two bedrooms. They sleep in the bedrooms. They keep their clothes in the closet. There is one bathroom. They brush their teeth in the bathroom. The house has a garden. John and Sarah play in the garden. They have a dog. John and Sarah like to play with the dog.
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I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister, and I was born last. My father teaches mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two years old. She has grown old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my family very much.
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Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19 and a student in college. I go to college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and History. English is my hardest course. My professors are very friendly and smart. It’s my second year in college now. I love it!
I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house with three other students. Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with homework. On the weekend, we play football together.
I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I really miss them, too!
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Jack was hungry. He walked to the kitchen. He got out some eggs. He took out some oil. He placed a skillet on the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He poured the oil into the skillet. He cracked the eggs into a bowl. He stirred the eggs. Then, he poured them into the hot skillet. He waited while the eggs cooked. They cooked for two minutes. He heard them cooking. They popped in the oil.
Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate on the dining room table. Jack loved looking at his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat down in the large wooden chair. He thought about the day ahead. He ate the eggs with a spoon. They were good.
He washed the plate with dishwashing soap. Then, he washed the pan. He got a sponge damp. Finally, he wiped down the table. Next, Jack watched TV.
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Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to each school day: English, art, science, mathematics, gym, and history. His mother packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas. His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English teacher says that he is a good pupil, which Lucas knows means that she thinks he is a good student. His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler.
Lucas likes art. It is his favorite class. His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work with his classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle, works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun. Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The principal, or the headmaster as some call him, likes to walk around and talk to students during lunch to check that they are all behaving.
The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math. Kyle has trouble getting a good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is very nice and helpful. His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising. History is his last class of the day Lucas has a hard time staying awake. Many lessons are boring, and he is very tired after doing gym.
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George is at the pet store, looking at what kind of pet he might want to get for his birthday. George asked if he could have a horse, but his parents said no because horses are too big.
First, he sees dogs and cats. Baby dogs are called puppies. Baby cats are called kittens. George likes them because they are easy to take care of and can play a lot, but they will get bigger. George wants a small pet.
Then George sees animals that have to live in a cage. He sees rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice. Mice are what you call more than one mouse. He likes these animals because they are small. Birds live in cages too.
George sees a parrot and a canary. He likes them all, but he doesn’t want to clean the cage. George sees the animals in tanks. The tanks full of water have fish and turtles in them. He thinks about a goldfish but decides he likes the turtles more. There are also tanks with rocks and sand that have snakes, spiders, and scorpions, but George is afraid of them. George likes the turtles best, but they won’t fit in the little fishbowls. Turtles need bigger tanks, so they can swim sometimes and hide sometimes.
George decides he wants to get a turtle for his birthday. He buys a book on how to take care of a turtle and a list of what types of turtles the store has.
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Montie's mother was coming to dinner, so he decided to get out the beautiful dishes she gave him. He looked forward to impressing his mother. He remembered how great he felt when she gave him the dishes. First, he got out his best silverware, cups and plates.
He carefully placed the plates on the table. Then, he laid a cloth napkin next to each plate. On the left side of the plate, he placed a knife making sure that its blade was facing toward the plate. On the right side, Montie placed the fork and spoon. After filling the glasses with ice, he put water in each glass. He placed white flowers in a vase in the middle of the table. They had a beautiful aroma.
As Montie stood back to admire his work, the doorbell rang. Montie had finished just in time because his mother had arrived.
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Most individuals don't think about numbers, or numerical representations of quantity, but they play a major part in everyday life. To be sure, numbers determine the time individuals will wake up in the morning, how much money employees earn per hour, what day of the year it is, and much, much more.
Additionally, numbers impact everyday living on a much smaller scale. In the grocery store, for instance, numbers determine products' prices, the amount of a product available for purchase, how much money will need to be paid for products, and a whole lot else.
To understand larger (and more intimidating numbers), interested persons first need to understand basic numbers, or numbers from one to ten, as they comprise each and every advanced number, or a multi-digit number that indicates a larger amount/quantity.
The basic numbers are as follows:
One (1)
Example: "He purchased one watermelon from the grocery store."
Two (2)
Example: "She bought two types of bread from the store."
Three (3)
Example: "He decided to get three bags of onions when he went shopping."
Four (4)
Example: "In preparation for the party, Janice bought four cartons of ice cream at the store."
Five (5)
Example: "Joe picked up five boxes of cereal from the breakfast aisle."
Six (6)
Example: "A pound of beef costs a lot of money at my favorite grocery store."
Seven (7)
Example: "Seven of the 10 aisles at my local grocery store contain pasta."
Eight (8)
Example: "I bought eight cookies for the price of four at the store."
Nine (9)
Example: "There were only nine loafs of bread left at the grocery store."
Ten (10)
Example: "Ten pineapples sure is a lot, don't you think?"
After ten, eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and twenty (20) follow. These numbers are seen less in grocery stores, as most prices are 10 dollars or less; it is however worth knowing these numbers, generally and, in terms of grocery shopping, for when the bill must be paid.
After twenty, numbers such as twenty-five (25), fifty (50), seventy-five (75), and one hundred (100) follow. So long as one knows the core number, or the number situated in the tens or hundreds position that determines the general amount, understanding these more complicated numbers won't be difficult. For example thirty-three (33) is simply "thirty" plus three; sixty-seven is "sixty" plus seven; and sixty-nine is simply "sixty" plus nine.
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My name is Clark, and I will tell you about my city.
I live in an apartment. In my city, there is a post office where people mail letters. On Monday, I go to work. I work at the post office. Everyone shops for food at the grocery store. They also eat at the restaurant. The restaurant serves pizza and ice cream.
My friends and I go to the park. We like to play soccer at the park. On Fridays, we go to the cinema to see a movie. Children don't go to school on the weekend. Each day, people go to the hospital when they are sick. The doctors and nurses take care of them. The police keep everyone safe. I am happy to live in my city.
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Hi, Fred!
It's been a while since we have been in touch. How has your semester been?
I wanted to send you an email update to you let you know how things have been going during my semester abroad here in Málaga, Spain. I've already been here for six weeks, and I feel like I am finally adapting to the culture. I'm also speaking the language more fluently.
I arrived during the first week of September. The weather has been very nice. Even though it's October, it's still rather sunny and warm. In fact, I went to the beach and swam in the Mediterranean Sea earlier today.
I am living with a very welcoming host family. I have my own private bedroom, but we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. On Sundays, we eat a big home-cooked paella for lunch. In Spain, lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day. It's also very common for the people to take a midday nap right after a big meal. I am actually just waking up from my nap right now!
On weekdays, I take classes at the local university. There, I met several native Spanish speakers. They have been very kind and patient with me. At first, I struggled to comprehend their Spanish, but now I understand most of our conversations. They have commented that my Spanish has improved a lot since we first met. Now, I am more confident to use the language in other places like stores and restaurants.
I am so glad that I decided to spend the semester here in Spain. We have an extended weekend coming up, so a group of my friends and I are going to travel to France for four days. It's so easy and inexpensive to travel internationally in Europe. I love it!
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Like I said, don't hesitate to stay in touch more often. Perhaps you could even come to visit! What do you think?
Best wishes,
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My name is Bob. Each day I drive my kids to school. My daughter goes to a school that’s far from our house. It takes 30 minutes to get there. Then I drive my son to his school. It’s close to my job. My daughter is in the sixth grade and my son is in the second. They are both good students. My daughter usually sings her favorite songs while I drive. My son usually sleeps.
I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM. I say good morning to all my workmates then I get a big cup of hot coffee. I turn on my computer and read my email. Some days I have a lot to read. Soon I need another cup of coffee.
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There are seven days of the week, or uniquely named 24-hour periods designed to provide scheduling context and make time more easily measureable. Each of these days is identifiable by specific plans, moods, and tones.
Monday is viewed by many to be the "worst" day of the week, as it marks the return to work following the weekend, when most full-time employees are given two days off. Most students attend school in the morning and return home in the afternoon (usually from about eight until three or seven until two), and most workers go to work in the morning and return home in the evening (usually from nine to five or eight to four).
Tuesday is the second day of the week, and is in many ways similar to Monday. Not a whole lot changes, schedule-wise, between Tuesday and Monday; most individuals go to school or work and return home to watch television, play video games, make plans with friends, spend time with family, read, or engage in a similar leisure-related activity.
Wednesday is the third day of the week, and serves as the "middle" of the work week; some individuals refer to Wednesday as "hump day," as once its workday is complete, employees will have passed the work-week "hump," and will be on the downturn, as only two days on the job will remain in the week.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week, and is viewed favorably by many, as it's rather close to the end of the work week.
Friday is the fifth day of the week, and marks the end of the workweek and school-week for the vast majority of employees and students. By Friday afternoon/evening, most students/workers cannot wait to leave and go home, as they won't have to report back to school/work until Monday.
Saturday is perhaps the most highly regarded day of the week. Because Sunday follows it (and there is presumably no work or school to attend, for most individuals), everyone is free to stay out (or awake) until late at night, having fun with plans or other leisure-related activities. To be sure, Saturday is generally thought of as a day to partake in hobbies that couldn't otherwise be enjoyed during the regular week.
Sunday is the final day of the week, and is used by most as a day of rest. Fewer late-night plans are made on Sundays, compared to Saturdays, as most individuals have to wake up for work or school on Monday morning.
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I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic, I never wanted it to end. I spent eight days in Paris, France. My best friends, Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a beautiful hotel room in the Latin Quarter, and it wasn’t even expensive. We had a balcony with a wonderful view.
We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was the Louvre, a well-known museum. I was always interested in art, so that was a special treat for me. The museum is so huge, you could spend weeks there. Henry got tired walking around the museum and said “Enough! I need to take a break and rest.”
We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river Seine. The French food we ate was delicious. The wines were tasty, too. Steve’s favorite part of the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he would be happy if he could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much fun that we’re already talking about our next vacation!
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Some of the most important landmarks in the United States include feats of architecture and modern engineering. San Francisco, California, is a beautiful city on its own, but it is also home to The Golden Gate Bridge, a 1.7 mile suspension bridge connecting the San Francisco Peninsula to the Marin Headlands. The bridge holds the title of one of the Wonders of the Modern World according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.
One of the most popular ways to appreciate the bridge is to take an excursion to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area just outside of San Francisco. The park contains hiking trails, great spots for picnicking, and offers some of the best vantage points for panoramic photographs of the bridge leading into the city.
David recently had some friends visit him in San Francisco, and he made sure to include a visit to the recreation area as part of their tour. They enjoyed walking through the trails, observing some of the native wildlife, and even having a casual picnic in the park. David’s friends were thankful that he guided them through this impressive area of California. They made sure to take a group photograph with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. David’s friends had the picture framed, and they later presented it to David in order to thank him for his hospitality during their stay.
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The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City’s most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. The statue is located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City.
When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the statue every day. After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue’s crown.
During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now. She found out that because the statue’s exterior is made of copper, the statue oxidized over time, giving it the greenish appearance it has in present day. When it was first constructed, the statue was the same color as a shiny penny!
After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting other important monuments and historic landmarks. Claire left New York hoping to have had the time to explore more sites, but she can’t wait to return to the city in the future.
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Valentine's Day (or Saint Valentine's Day) is a holiday that, in the United States, takes place on February 14, and technically signifies the accomplishments of St. Valentine, a third-century Roman saint.
With that said, most Americans, instead of honoring St. Valentine through religious ceremony, enjoy the holiday by engaging in "romantic" behavior with their significant other or someone who they wish to be their significant other; gifts, special dinners, and other acknowledgements of affection comprise most individuals' Valentine's Day celebrations.
Chocolates and flowers are commonly given as gifts during Valentine's Day, as are accompanying greeting cards (greeting card companies release new Valentine's Day designs annually). Red and pink are generally understood to be "the colors" of Valentine's Day, and many individuals, instead of celebrating romantically, spend the holiday with their friends and/or family members.
Variations of Valentine's Day are celebrated across the globe throughout the year. In America, the holiday, although acknowledged by the vast majority of the population, isn't federally recognized; no time off work is granted for Valentine's Day.
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A Christian holiday signifying the birth of Jesus, Christmas is widely celebrated and enjoyed across the United States and the world. The holiday always falls on 25 December (regardless of the day of the week), and is typically accompanied by decorations, presents, and special meals.
Specifically, the legend behind Christmas (and the one that most children are told) is that Santa Claus, a bearded, hefty, jolly, and red-jacket-wearing old man who lives in the North Pole, spends the year crafting presents with his elves, or small, festive, excited Santa-assistants. All the children who behave throughout the year are admitted to the Good List, and will presumably receive their desired gifts on Christmas, while those who don't behave are placed on the Naughty List, and will presumably (although the matter is determined by parents) receive a lump of coal.
Santa Claus is said to fly around the Christmas sky in a sled powered by his magical reindeer, or cold-resistant, mythically powered, individually named animals, delivering presents to each child's house in the process. Santa is also expected to slide through chimneys to deliver these presents (homes not equipped with chimneys might "leave the front door cracked open"), and children sometimes arrange cookies or other treats on a plate for him to enjoy.
Gifts are placed underneath a Christmas tree, or a pine tree that's decorated with ornaments and/or lights and is symbolic of the holiday. Additionally, smaller gifts may be placed inside a stocking, or a sock-shaped, holiday-specific piece of fabric that's generally hung on the mantle of a fireplace (homes without fireplaces might use the wall). A Christmas tree's ornaments, or hanging, typically spherical decorations, in addition to the mentioned lights, may be accompanied by a star, or a representation of the Star of Jerusalem that the Three Apostles followed while bringing Baby Jesus gifts and honoring him, in the Bible.
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The Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World, is located in the state of Arizona. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Formed by over 70 million years of erosion from the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon offers a spectacular view. The canyon spans 277 miles in length, up to 18 miles in width, and it measures over a mile in depth at its deepest points. Carlos always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon, and recently he received the chance to hike some of the trails and take several panoramic photographs during his visit.
When Carlos arrived at the visitor center, he watched a brief movie that taught tourists about the Grand Canyon National Park and the geological history of the canyon’s formation. Later, Carlos followed a hiking trail to become even further acquainted with the canyon. While walking through the trails, Carlos saw some tourists riding donkeys to traverse the canyon’s ridges. Throughout his hiking expedition, Carlos used a map to find some of the best hot spots for photographs within the canyon. He revisited some areas at different points in the day because sun angles and lighting can make a big difference in the quality of a photo.
Carlos was very pleased that he got to travel to the Grand Canyon. He loves hiking and photography, so this was the perfect outdoor experience for him. He posted all of his best pictures on social media, and his friends were amazed by his breathtaking, panoramic shots.
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While eating at a restaurant is an enjoyable and convenient occasional treat, most individuals and families prepare their meals at home. To make breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, these persons must have the required foods and ingredients on hand and ready to go; foods and ingredients are typically purchased from a grocery store, or an establishment that distributes foods, drinks, household products, and other items that're used by the typical consumer.
Produce, or the term used to describe fresh fruits and vegetables, is commonly purchased by grocery store shoppers. In terms of fruit, most grocery stores offer bananas, apples, oranges, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, pineapples, cantaloupes, watermelons, and more; other grocery stores with larger produce selections might offer the listed fruits in addition to less common fruits, including mangoes, honeydews, starfruits, coconuts, and more.
Depending on the grocery store, customers can purchase fruits in a few different ways. Some stores will charge a set amount per pound of fruit, and will weigh customers' fruit purchases and bill them accordingly; other stores will charge customers for each piece of fruit they buy, or for bundles of fruit (a bag of bananas, a bag of apples, etc.); other stores yet will simply charge by the container.
Vegetables, including lettuce, corn, tomatoes, onions, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, and more are also sold at many grocery stores, and are purchased similarly to the way that fruits are. Grocery stores typically stock more vegetables than fruit at any given time, as vegetables remain fresh longer than fruits do, generally speaking.
It'd take quite a while to list everything else that today's massive grocery stores sell, but most customers take the opportunity to shop for staples, or foods that play a prominent role in the average diet, at the establishments. Staples include pasta, rice, flour, sugar, milk, meat, and eggs, and bread. All the listed staples are available in prepackaged containers, but can be purchased "fresh" in some grocery stores, wherein employees will measure and weigh fresh products and then provide them to customers.
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Christina visited Miami during her winter vacation. She is from Boston, where it is cold during the winter months. Miami, however, has a very warm climate. There are many sunny days in Miami, and people can go to the beach all year long. Christina spent a good portion of her trip on the beach to relax and sunbathe. However, she also explored Miami and its surroundings.
Inspired by Miami’s proximity to the ocean, Christina visited the Miami Seaquarium to learn about marine life. There, she watched a show using trained dolphins, killer whales, and other aquatic mammals. She took a lot of pictures of the sea creatures jumping out of the water and performing tricks.
Christina also took an excursion to the Everglades National Park. This park is a protected area spanning 1.5 million acres. Because the park is mostly swampland, it is home to many reptiles. Native animals include snakes, alligators, and crocodiles. The park is also great for birdwatching. Christina enjoyed hiking the trails in the Everglades and observing the wildlife in its natural environment.
When Christina returned to the city, she visited Little Havana. This is Miami’s Cuban neighborhood. Christina could see that Little Havana’s people demonstrated a lot of pride for their Cuban heritage. There were many outdoor shops and vendors, live musicians, and the Cuban cuisine was delicious. Little Havana was Christina’s favorite part about her trip to Miami. This neighborhood made Christina feel like she had traveled to Cuba without ever having to leave the United States.
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Jean and her family recently traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, one of America’s oldest colonial cities. Boston is rich in history and local personality. During their visit, Jean and her family appreciated learning about Boston’s role during the American Revolution.
In the city, Jean and her family followed the famous Freedom Trail. This is a 2.5-mile route that tourists can explore in order to visit 16 different historical landmarks located throughout the city. Famous sites on this trail include the Paul Revere House, King’s Chapel, and the Bunker Hill Memorial. Jean and her family received a map to navigate the Freedom Trail. The roads were clearly marked by red lines, and there were signs throughout the city to keep Jean’s family and other tourists from getting lost.
As part of the Freedom Trail, Jean and her family spent a lot of time in Boston’s North End. This is one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the entire country. Here, Jean and her family were able to visit Boston Harbor, which is the site of the historical Boston Tea Party. This event sent a strong message to the British leading up to the American Revolution.
The end of the Freedom Trail led Jean and her Family to the Boston Common, the oldest urban park in the nation. The park is filled with plenty of lush greenery, but it also serves as a burial ground for heroes of the American Revolution.
Because of their walk along the historical Freedom Trail, Jean and her family left Boston with a thorough understanding of early American history.
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Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated predominantly in North America, and it possesses a different meaning in each of the countries where it's acknowledged.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is a federal holiday (meaning all government employees and most private employees are given a day off of work), and always takes places on the Fourth Thursday in November, regardless of the date.
The holiday signifies the immense progress made by pilgrims, or some of the first travelers to North America, at Plymouth Plantation circa 1621. It was at this time that the hungry and weary Pilgrims were taught (by Native Americans) how to grow and produce food on North America's unique terrain. Once they'd grown (and caught) an abundance of food, the Pilgrims were expectedly thankful, and they celebrated alongside the Native Americans who provided them with such valuable assistance. President Abraham Lincoln initiated the contemporary practice of Thanksgiving by calling for a "day of Thanksgiving" during one of his Civil War addresses.
In America today, Thanksgiving remains firmly engrained in its historical roots, and is widely considered to be a day for giving thanks for good food, good times, and family. Thanksgiving dinner generally consists of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, gravy, and ample desserts. To be sure, indulging in abundance is a cornerstone of the holiday, as doing so could only be possible if one possesses abundance.
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Why do people find amusement park rides so much fun? The roller coasters, free-all and pendulum rides are exhilarating, if not terrifying. Think for a moment about how the motion of a ride heightens our senses. The roller coaster creeps to the top of a hill slowly. Anticipation builds. As it crests the hill, the car seems suspended for a moment before it hunders down and the car and rider falling fast. It feels like we might fly out of the car if not for the safety restraints. The boat ride that swings like a pendulum looks harmless,but as it swings higher and higher in its arc, the rider comes off his or her seat. We pause suspended in mid-air just long enough make our stomach flutter.
Believe it or not, science explains the thrills we experience on the roller coaster and other funfair rides. An amusement park is a great place to study motions and forces, and something different, called microgravity. Amusement park rides provide brief glimpses of what astronauts experience in the microgravity of orbit- a sense of weightlessness. The gravitational pull in an amusement park does not change from place to place, but you will experience a sensation of feeling heavier, lighter, even weightless, on some rides.
Amusement park rides are exciting because of a common element that they all share. What do merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, flume rides, and bumper cars have in common? All these rides have motion. What would a roller coaster be without motion? It is the motion of a ride that can move as in sucha way that wefeel heavy, as if gravity became stronger. The motion can also let us fall for a second or more, making us feel light or weightless. Motions can change the effect that gravity has on our bodies enough to create a microgravity environment.
Last April, John took a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas is a popular destination in the western portion of the United States. The town is most popular for its casinos, hotels, and exciting nightlife.
In downtown Las Vegas, John spent a lot of time on The Strip, which is a 2.5 mile stretch of shopping, entertainment venues, luxury hotels, and fine dining experiences. This is probably the most commonly visited tourist area in the city. The Strip at night looks especially beautiful. All of the buildings light up with bright, neon, eye-catching signs to attract visitor attention.
A stay in Las Vegas can feel similar to a visit to many popular cities worldwide. Many of the hotels have miniature versions of important international sites and monuments. These famous landmarks include the Eiffel Tower, Venice, and even ancient Rome.
One day, John took a side trip outside of the city to visit the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. The canyon offers a breathtaking view of Nevada’s ridges and natural landscape. John especially liked the canyon because it was removed from all of the noise and movement in downtown Las Vegas.
John had a great time during his trip to Las Vegas. He did not win a lot of money in the casinos. However, he managed to see a lot of amazing sites during his visit to this city that never sleeps.
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It goes without saying that humans (mammals identifiable as those that stand upright and are comparatively advanced and capable of detailed thought) have pretty remarkable bodies, given all that they've accomplished. (Furthermore, an especially intelligent human brain produced this text!) To be sure, humans have overcome predators, disease, and all sorts of other obstacles over thousands of years.
To fully understand and appreciate these accomplishments, let's take at some of the most well-known parts of the human body!
The head, or the spherical body part that contains the brain and rests at the top of the human body, has quite a few individual organs and body parts on it. (It should quickly be mentioned that hair occupies the space on top of the head, and the ears, the organs responsible for hearing, are located on either side of the head.) From top to bottom, the eyebrows, or horizontal strips of hair that can be found above the eye, are the first components of the head. The eyes are below them, and are round, orb-like organs that allow humans to see.
The eyes make way for the nose, or an external (sticking-out) organ that plays an important part in the breathing and bacteria-elimination processes. Below that is the mouth, or a wide, cavernous organ that chews food, removes bacteria, helps with breathing, and more. The mouth contains teeth, or small, white-colored, pointed body parts used to chew food, and the tongue, or a red-colored, boneless organ used to chew food and speak.
The neck is the long body part that connects the head to the chest (the muscular body part that protects the heart and lungs), and the stomach, or the part of the body that contains food and liquid-processing organs, comes below that.
The legs are the long, muscular body parts that allow humans to move from one spot to another and perform a variety of actions. Each leg contains a thigh (a thick, especially muscular body part used to perform strenuous motions; the upper part of the leg) and a calf (thinner, more flexible body part that absorbs the shock associated with movement; the lower part of the leg). Feet can be found at the bottom of legs, and each foot is comprised of five toes, or small appendages that help balance.
Arms are long, powerful body parts that are located on either side of chest, below the shoulders;arms are comprised of biceps (the thicker, more powerful upper portion), and forearms (the thinner, more flexible lower portion). Hands, or small, gripping body parts used for a tremendous number of actions, are at the end of arms. Each hand contains five fingers, or small appendages used to grip objects.
The aforementioned shoulders are rounded body parts that aid arms' flexibility. One's back is found on the opposite side of the stomach, and is a flat section of the body that contains important muscles that're intended to protect the lungs and other internal organs, in addition to helping humans perform certain motions and actions.
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Qeyd-1: İngilis dili öyrənmək üçün Mətnlərdə kifayət qədər rol oynayır Lakin İngilis dilini öyrənmək üçün Pulsuz 7 Mobil proqramlarda varki onlar vasitəsilə siz bütün ingilis dili biliklərinizi inkişaf etdirə bilərsiniz. Daxil olmaq üçün klik edin
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