Some tips for preparing IELTS
Here, exist useful tips and ways in order to help you and inspire you to achieve your best in your IELTS test.
Listening- Obviously listening test is all about practice. You might sometimes find that you have missed the answer to a given question. If this happens-don’t worry! Panicking will only reduce your concentration and might cause you to lose more answers. Finally, make good use of the extra 10 minutes that you are allowed at the end of the test. This can be used for filling act any answers that you may have missed.
Reading- While there are some that say reading the entire passage isn’t worth it, but, you at the least skim the passages to get the gist of the content. Before you start recommendation this in particular to people whose reading speed is high. This way, when you encounter a question, you’d have an inkling of where in the passage you saw the answer point.
Writing- Go throught the answers you have written as well, which will help spot any errors that you may have made. A quick once-over may help you save points that you had have lost if you had misspelled any word.
Speaking- It’s also worth nothing that what is being tested is your long usage level and not the content you are presenting. Hence, If you don’t have an answer you can say no and take it as an opportunity display your proficiency.
Be clear, and confidient, and you’d do fine.
Now, here is some websites and you tube channels for preparing IELTS…
IELTS practice tests for all skills:
1) IELTSonlineTests.com -Free online IELTS practice tests for 2018
Community-driven website with Real IELTS exams and IELTS tips submitted by IELTS teachers and IELTS students.
2) IELTSfever.com-practice tests for ielts free of cost
3) English-exam.org-IELTS course, english course, online writing courses, online english speaking
4) IELTSmaterial.com- Here, You can choose what you want to practice
5) IELTSadvantage.com- It has same functions. Improve Your IELTS in 2018. Use our FREE study plan to improve your vocabulary and reading in IELTS.
6) IELTSliz.com- IELTS videos, IELTS tips and IELTS lessons for free.
7) IELTSIELTS.com-Actionable IELTS resources and strategies that work!
8) theieltscoach.com- Hi there. Let me help you achieve IELTS success.
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